Sunday, June 30, 2013

3RD Meeting @ Software Engineering

Time to update my  BLOGS

This Session we have done QUIZ and Groupings for our Project . Luckily i am happy with my group mate they are a  nice friend and classmate and most of all very approciable.

...GO Group 4 ...

Members List

  1. Quenwey C. Alsola
  2. Jofred Quilaton
  3. Ryan Romero
  4. Jumar singh
  5. Nico Habil

2nd Meeting @ Software Engineering


            =   Engineering the applcation of science in the design, Planning, contruction and maintenance of building , Machines, and other manufacturing.

             = Program and application that can be run on a comuter system. Ex. Word Processing or Database package.

  • The two factors of Sofware Engineering
  • Kinds of software products
  • Software Engineering Diversity
  • Ethics of Software Engineering

First Meeting @ Software Enginnering

In this session we are doing 3 things as mention bellow.

       Making our Blogs , Gmail and Drop Box account.

 I Would like to thanks my instructor for this another learnings and also my classmates. :)